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Tom "The Blowfish" Hird

Marine Biologist

Scuba Diver


Wildlife Expert

Voice-over Artist

Science Communicator


A word from The Blowfish

Working in the world of science communication since I was 16 has given me a hell of a lot of experience in "Speaking Science". I have never struggled to convey my message, whether it be the function of gills or the awesome power of a rattlesnake strike, and love nothing more than getting excited over new ideas and old biological mainstays. Throughout my TV career I have developed a trusted and unique delivery, both above and below the water. I'm well skilled in working with live animals either in studio or on live, and have even been performing my own stunts. 

Always ready for my next challenge, I am passionate about bringing the seemingly boring or mundane and blowing the lid clean off to expose the REAL truths behind the science and showing that small can be mighty!

Recent Works

TBA - Worldwide Distribution Via Streaming Service


During the summer 2024, I traveled the world, diving in some of the most incredible and extremely sharky locations, acting as Host for a brand-new show. More details to follow

To be released worldwide via a popular streaming service in mid 2025

Ocean Wonders - Earth X TV


A show idea that I have had in my head since 2007, and thanks to the incredible people at Earth X TV and Off The Fence Productions, it has become an amazing reality! 

This show covers the best, boldest, wildest, weirdest, oddest, and grossest facts about the ocean, and the creatures that call it home. Full of fintastic facts, crazy experiments, mind-melting creatures and a lot of laughs, this show is perfect for anyone who wants to know more about our seas, and have fun doing so!

Blowfish's Oceanopedia - Atlantic Books Publishing

In November 2017, Atlantic Books published Tom "The Blowfish" Hird's first solo book. 

Blowfish's Oceanopedia291 Extraordinary Things You DIdn't Know About the Sea quickly became a best seller on Amazon, as well as receiving highly positive reviews from BBC Wildlife Magazine and New Scientist. Packed full of amazing facts in an easy to read format, Blowfish's Oceanopedia combines Tom's unique style with cutting edge scientific knowledge. 

Buy your copy here!

TV Credits - The Highlights

  • Shark Week 2024 (Discovery) - Lead presenter for 6000lb Shark. Filmed in New Zealand around Stuart Island.

  • Ocean Wonders Series 1 and 2 (Earth X TV) - Presenter, writer, and animal handler. Filmed on location around the coast of the UK, as well as studio based segments and onsite demostrations.

  • Shark Week 2023 (Discovery) - Lead presenter for Cocaine Shark. Filmed in the US around the coast of Florida, Key West.

  • Shark Week 2022/23 (Discovery) - Appeared in Great White Battlegrounds 2 and 3 as a co-presenter. Filming in South Africa and New Zealand while diving with great white sharks

  • Battle of the Alphas Series 1 and 2 (Discovery Canada) - Talking Heads program all about the unique and sometimes unbelievable ways that animals will fight for survival


  • Fishing Impossible. Series 1 and 2 (BBC Worldwide) - Part of the main three-man presenting team. Traveling the world and doing some really mad stuff!

  • Sunday Brunch (Channel 4) - Resident wildlife expert on the show for several years

  • Blue Peter (BBC) - Appeared numerous times, always showcasing a wide range of incredible critters and crazy demonstrations.

  • Absolute Genius with Dick and Dom. Series 1 and 2 (CBBC) – Appeared as an expert biologist handling snakes, crabs, and diving with sharks. Also got Dom to provide a live demonstration of a shipworm's abilities... he wasn't happy!

  • How To Be Epic At Everything. Series 1 and 2 (CBBC) – Presented films on rockpooling, sandcastle building, how to treat jellyfish stings, shark attacks, snake bites, crab handling, and spider catching

Voice-over Artist

As well as providing expert voice-over work for the television productions he has worked on, The Blowfish is also an accomplished voice-over artist in his own right. Appearing as Tom Hird, he has provided the voice for many high value corporate media projects, including EA, Heathrow Airport, Hitachi and Marks and Spencer. Tom has an incredible ability to deliver highly factual content at a smooth and engaging pace.

Listen to Tom's Voice Reel for just a sample of some of the work he has produced

Tom Hird - Voice Reel - Tom Hird

Tom has his own studio fully kitted out with professional grade recording equipment. If you are interested in hiring Tom for Voice Over reads, please email

Scuba Diving

The Blowfish is a highly experienced scuba diver. With over 27 years of UK and global diving under his weight belt, you will struggle to find someone who has such a feel for the underwater world as The Blowfish.


The Blowfish currently holds PADI Dive Master, BSAC Dive Leader, Advanced Nitrox, O2 Admin and EFR qualifications and is extremely well versed in the use of full face masks.

Published Author

The Blowfish has been published in the companion book to the BBC Worldwide show, Fishing Impossible. The book, named after the show, features an account of the travels of the first series of the well received series and The Blowfish has added numerous biological nuggets to the script as well as his own thoughts on the state of the seas. 

In November 2017, Blowfish's Oceanopedia291 Extraordinary Things You DIdn't Know About the Seawas published by Atlantic Books and is now available in all good bookshops as well as online. Buy your copy here

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